Kamis, 28 Januari 2010


Sawo Kecik 1 No.68
South Jakarta 12840

13 December 2009

Mr. Tsukasa Kadoya
HRD Department
Daishocker Indonesia.inc
West Java

Dear Mr. Tsukasa
I was Interested to see Your Advertisement in today’s Kompas and would like to be considered for this post.
I am was graduated from Institute of Management Telkom Bandung, with my experience when I studied on IMTelkom, I am sure if I click with that job. Because I was Graduate from communication Management major. This major include how to communicate to other, managing communication, business Managing, as well as Marketing Manager.
Your company really interest me, I like working on automotive industries such as your industry. I’ll show my managing abilities and make your company moving forward.
A copy of my Curriculum Vitae is enclosed with copies of pervious testimonial.
I hope to hear from you soon and to be given the opportunity to present my self at an interview.

Yours Sincerely


Pradipta Caesar Adisurya


Personal Details

Full Name : Pradipta Caesar Adisurya

Sex : Male

Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, 15 December 1990

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital Status : Single

` Height, Weight : 168,5cm, 60kg

Health : Good

Religion : Moslem

Address : Sawo Kecik 1 No.68,Bukit Duri,Tebet

South Jakarta 12840

Phone : (021)8298554

Mobile : 085695506886

Email :orenopradipta@yahoo.com & pcadisurya@gmail.com

Education Background

1994 – 1996 : TK YWKA I, Jakarta

1996 – 2002 : 09 Elementary School, Jakarta

2002 – 2005 : 33 Junior High, Jakarta

2005 – 2008 : Dewi Sartika Senior High, Jakarta

2008 – Now : Institute of Management Telkom, Bandung

Course & Education

2004 – 2005 : Primagama Study Learning (Junior High level) Jakarta

2006 – 2007 : Primagama Study Learning (Senior High level) Jakarta

2007 – 2008 : Quantum Study Learning (Senior High level) Jakarta


- Little group managing

- Event Organizer (E.O)

- Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point)

- Internet Literate

- Sport literate

- Art literate

- 140 wpm Shorthand

- Communication Skill

- English Language

- Design Interior

Working Experience

Aug 2009 – Now : Chief Division of Otaku Houkiboshi IM Telkom

Apr 2009 – Jun 2009 : Member of KPR PEMIRA IM Telkom

Nov 2008 - Feb 2009 : Marketing Division Menber of Antilove Festival,Houkiboshi IM Telkom


Music, English, Japan, Sport (Football, Jogging, American Football), Video Game, Movie, Reading, Drawing Etc